Let me make a bold claim: Gear Infusion’s Pry.me is perfect. The tiny titanium gadget opens bottles, and does it well. It weights nothing. It’s nearly indestructible. And it is the perfect gift for beer lovers.
Call me OCD, but I notice when the weight of my wallet, keys, or cellphone changes. When I leave my house, I feel I have everything. Adjustments to new cellphones and keys take time. Not with the Pry.me. It’s hardly noticeable. When I grab my keys, it hides in plane sight.

A key has a purpose; it opens a single door. The pry.me doesn’t try to be a pocket knife, but fulfill a single purpose, it opens your beer. Once it’s out of your pocket, the keychain rests between your fingers. It hunts down the cold beer on a summer day. The titanium tool then hugs the lip of the beverage in question. Pull. The refreshing spurt of sound is followed by a bottle cap that flies into the air. Where it lands is half the fun.
The Pry.me does take some time to get use to. The everyday carry nature of it allows for that. The amount of pressure and strength for each bottle becomes a muscle memory over the course of a week – or a few cases of beer if you’re really hammering it. At parties it draws the right amount of attention and admiration from onlookers. Gone are the days of chipped teeth, broken lighters, and scratched table corners. Okay. That is an exaggeration. Frat parties will still have those things, but you won’t.

The marvelous part of what Gear Infusion has done is focused on a single use item and mastered it. I spend a few hours each week trying to discover those tiny upgrades to life. They’re few and far between. Just walk into an REI and you’ll find an endless supply of pocket knifes and gadgets that weight you down rather than lift you up. This isn’t the case with the Pry.me which weighs in at (grams).
You’ll be hard to find any disadvantages to the Pry.me. There are two of note, but neither should count against this gadget. The first is the titanium. The Pry.me is many times stronger than your key chain. In our testing our key chain was destroyed. This is more a diss against the quality of the key chain than it is the Pry.me. Luckily, GearInfusion sells a titanium key chain upgrade for $5. I strongly recommend you get it.

Secondly, should you need more leverage for situations outside of conquering a bottle, the “Brew Soldier” is the upgrade to get. Gear Infusion sent us a ‘Brew Soldier’ for our tests. It’s the size of a key and opens bottles without the ‘pop’ and randomness of where the cap flying off. It is in my pocket because I found it to be an amazing pry bar for opening paint cans at Randyland.
Overall, the Pry.me is a perfect product and highly functional gift. It won’t sit in a draw like so many other gadgets with false promises. The Brew Soldier is a great companion product for those who need the leverage. Either way, I cannot recommend them enough for your key chain or that of a friends.